Answers to some of the most common questions
This is an important question that does not have a simple answer. When it comes to having an operation, there needs to be a relationship of trust between the patient and surgeon. In today’s age of the internet, in which there are so many advertisements and so much information, many patients are confused. What do we suggest? Learn more about the surgeon! Is he or she a specialist? Ask how many successful operations he or she has performed. Make sure that you understand the procedure and surgical techniques that are being used. Ask to see photos of successful operations.
Ja, auf Wunsch können wir ein Erstgespräch und Beratung per Videokonferenz führen.
No. Taking antibiotics before an operation is no longer required nowadays. Moreover, due to the effects of the antibiotics on the natural intestinal flora, there could actually be a negative reaction. Taking certain antibiotics is still advisable for certain major surgical procedures and for high-risk patients.
The thread method has become a brand and the interest is certainly impressive. Less and less people want to have their ears cut open with the traditional surgical method. A surgeon who works with the thread method shoud guarantee the following features:
No skin incision
No cartilage treatment (scoring, scarring, thinning, cutting)
No removal of cartilage parts
The patient should be able to observe the effect of the individual sutures him or herself in the mirror during each stage of the operation
The ears can have contact with running water as soon as the next day. This means, a patient can wash their hair on the day after surgery. We suggest that each patient washes their hair, with a mild shampoo, on the day before or morning of surgery. After the operation, we suggest that individuals wash their ears in addition to their hair and body. Here we suggest that the patient lathers their fingertips with soap or shampoo and then carefully spreads this lather around the ear. Be gentle. Make sure to not bend the ears strongly forward. Be sure to rinse gently and thoroughly (2-3 minutes) afterwards. Following the procedure there will be some swelling behind the ears. After washing the ears, it is very important to dry both the inside and back of the ears as well. This will ensure there are no complications.
Ja! Die Kühlung nach den Ohrmuschelkorrekturen ist am effektivsten in den ersten 48 Stunden.
Die altbewährte Methode der lokalen Kühlung wird in der Medizin häufig verwendet (Sportmedizin, Operationsfolgen, Entzündungen). Mit der lokalen Kühlung kann man Schmerzen stillen und die Abschwellung beschleunigen.
Die beste Lösung ist, wenn man Kühlgel-Kompressen benutzt (die Bezeichnungen Kühlkompresse, coolpack, Kühlpad sind auch gebräuchlich). Diese können im Kühlschrank (nicht im Tiefkühlfach)!) vorbereitet werden. Sie sollten weich sein, dadurch können sie sich der Form der Ohrmuschel besser anpassen und haben damit eine größere Kontaktfläche mit dem Ohr.
Das Kühlgel sollte man, bevor man in den Kühlschrank legt, mit Seife waschen. Vor der Verwendung dann schlägt man es in ein dünnes Tuch, Vlies oder Gaze ein und drückt sanft auf das Ohr.
Wichtig: auf keinen Fall sollte man Eisbeutel oder tiefgekühlten Kompressen verwenden. Diese können bei der speziellen Durchblutung der Ohrmuschel mit sog. Endarterien zum Kälteschaden oder sogar Erfrierungen führen!
Tipp: bringen Sie Kühlgels am Op-Tag mit! Dann können Sie mit der Kühlung gleich nach der Operation beginnen.
It is highly recommended that the patient rests on the first 2 or 3 days following the procedure. After this, if the patient feels well, he or she can return to the usual sporting activities. However, in the case of full-contact sports (boxing, wrestling, karate, martial arts, etc.), we highly recommend a 3-month break. Following this break, we recommend to the patient that he or she wears ear or head protection.
This varies from person to person. Medically, sick leave is not required, but if a patient feels unwell or has pain, then sick leave may be necessary.
The pain threshold and one’s sensitivity to pain varies from person to person. There are some patients who take no painkillers at all. Other patients require a full dosage of pain medication. We highly encourage patients to take pain medication. Why? Pain medication have other beneficial effects, including: they act as a decongestant and an anti-inflammatory. Lasting discomfort and pain can be expected in the 2 or 3 days following the operation. If they last longer than this, then a patient should contact a professional.
Swelling: 2-3 days. Bruising / blue discoloration: 4-5 days. In other words, the larger visual effects will usually disappear within the first week. The more discrete, subtle changes (small marks, a tiny protrusion, etc.) may remain visible for 10-14 days. As a general rule, no visual traces remain after this minimallyinvasive procedure.
No. Once the skin stiches and bruising have healed, a patient will not feel anything. The primary reason for this is because humans do not have sensory nerves in the ear cartilage, only in the skin.
For adults, the operation can always be performed under local anesthesia. For children, general anesthesia is usually necessary. From the ages of 10–12, children can opt to use local anesthesia.
First – what a patient should not do. Most masks currently on the market are held in place by one elastic rubber loop, which is attached to the back of the ears. These often slip and pull the ears forward. This ‘pulling forward’ would have negative consequences and work directly against the sutures.
The correct solution would be to purchase a multifunctional scarf (available in most sports stores). This multifunctional scarf can function as a mask by pulling it up and over the nose. You can even wear it over your ears at the same time to protect or hide them. The multifunctional scarf should be washed daily (with a mild detergent or soap).
Important: each patient should ensure they are wearing the multifunctional scarf in the correct manner. This is made easier by the tag on the inside of the scarf.
Don’t forget: a patient can also wear the scarf during the colder months. It can be used as both a scarf and a mask (depending on the patient’s needs).
If a patient does not have a multifunctional scarf then we can provide one following the operation.
If a patient has to wear a respiratory mask as a result of your profession (for example: dental or laboratory assistant, etc.) then we suggest you chose a classic OP Mask, which can be laced with straps and tied behind your head. Employers will usually have these available for their staff.