
Dr. med. univ. Istvan Bern

Plastic surgery specialist


Medical studies, followed by general surgery residency in Szentes / Szeged, Hungary

1980–1986: Advanced training in the field of plastic, reconstructive and hand surgery at the Department for Burns, Plastic and Hand Surgery in Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim. During this period, additional experience gained through numerous roles job-shadowing and continuing education trips in Germany and abroad.

1986–2005: Further training and residency in the field of trauma surgery at the Clinic for Trauma Surgery, Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery at the Clinical Center in Konstanz as an assistant physician and, from 2003 onwards, as a senior physician. During this period, additional work in the field of aesthetic surgery in various private clinics in Tuttlingen and Sonthofen.

Congress and workshop participation:

  • Postgraduate Instructional Course of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), Sept. 15–16, 1989. Lucerne, Switzerland.
  • Open Structure Rhinoplasty, November 8-10, 1991. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  • Advances in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. November 9-13, 1998 New York, N.Y., USA 
  • Rhinoplasty Symposium, June15-20 Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • XVth International Symposium of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, April 12th-13th, 2003 Nizza, Frankreich
  • 14th Stuttgart Course for functional and Aesthetic Rhinoplasty, Marienhospital, 29.-31. März, 2006, Stuttgart

2006 to present: freelance work in the field of plastic-aesthetic surgery. More than 6000 ear surgeries with the stitch method (in the practice of Dr. Merck, ECS in Konstanz).

2020: Establishment of own practice Ear Correction Konstanz

Memberships in Professional Societies

Full Member of the German Society of Plastic,
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons

American Society of Plastic Surgeons, ASPS International Member

(Society of American Plastic Surgeons)







Dr. med. Istvan Bern
Plastic surgery specialist
c/o Ambulantes OP-Zentrum
78315 Radolfzell, Walchnerstr. 16

Tel.: +49 (0) 151 22 99 0 77 0

Treatment Process

©2025 Dr. med. univ. Istvan Bern

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Wir sind umgezogen / We moved

Dr. med. Istvan Bern
Plastic surgery specialist
c/o Ambulantes OP-Zentrum
78315 Radolfzell, Walchnerstr. 16
Tel.: +49 (0) 151 22 99 0 77 0

Unsere Operationen werden ab dem 1.1.2025 in Radolfzell durchgeführt. Die beliebte Touristenstadt mit 33 000 Einwohnern am nordwestlichen Ufer des Untersees befindet sich etwa 20 km von Konstanz entfernt. Die Kooperation mit der besten ausgestatteten ambulanten OP-Einheit der Region sichert uns technisch und personalmäßig optimale Bedingungen. Das ambulante OP Zentrum steht unter der Leitung von Dr. med. Gerold Schmid.

I will be moving my operational activities to Radolfzell from 2025. Radolfzell is also a popular tourist town with 33,000 inhabitants on the northwestern shore of Lake Untersee, about 20 km from Konstanz. I managed to establish a cooperation with the best-equipped outpatient surgery center in Radolfzell, which is under the direction of
Dr. med. Gerold Schmid is standing.