Thank you Letters

Die an mich gerichteten Briefe im Zeitraum von 2006 bis 2020 stammen aus der Zeit meiner Tätigkeit beim ECS.
3. November 2024

Lieber Dr. Bern,

Nun ist ein Monat vergangen, seit ich bei Ihnen für eine - ohne zu dramatisieren - lebensgefühlverändernde Operation war. Ich möchte mich bei Ihnen bedanken, dass Sie mich vor, während und nach der Operation so kompetent, souverän und empathisch begleitet haben. Nachdem die Schmerzen nach wenigen Tagen abgeklungen sind und die Schwellung fortlaufend nachgelassen hat, fühle ich mich nun viel befreiter und wohler.

Ich kann andere nur ermutigen, diesen Schritt zu wagen, wenn man zuvor jahrelang unter den Ohren gelitten hat.


S.L. - CH
28. Februar 2024

Guten Abend Dr. Bern,

ich wollte mich nach zwei Wochen mal melden. Die Ohren sind super verheilt und die blauen Flecken waren nach kühlen nach 6 Tage nicht mehr zu sehen. Danke für alles und für das angenehme Klima in Ihrer Praxis, es war alles super.

Liebe Grüsse:


23. März 2023

Hallo Herr Dr. Bern,

vielen Dank nochmal für die Korrektur meines Ohres, Sie haben wirklich sehr gute Arbeit geleistet, bin vollstens zufrieden. Eine Frage, Sie meinten, ich bekomme noch die vorher / nachher Fotos von Ihnen. Senden Sie mir diese per E-Mail zu?

Viele Grüße

M. H.

Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

2. März 2023

Lieber Herr Dr Bern,

nochmals vielen Dank für Ihre hochprofessionelle und ausgezeichnete Arbeit. Auch unmittelbar nach der Op sind kaum Schmerzen aufgetreten, weshalb ich fast vollständig auf die Einnahme von Schmerzmitteln verzichten konnte. Das Ergebnis der Op kann sich wirklich sehen lassen und verschafft mir ein großes Wohlbefinden.

Ich wünsche Ihnen eine gute Zeit.

Beste Grüsse



April 21, 2021
Dear Dr. Bern,

Thank you so very much for your excellent work.
It has been four weeks since the ear correction and I am very satisfied. The first night was a little uncomfortable but with a couple painkillers everything was fine. From that point onwards I had no more pain.

All of my friends and colleagues have said the operation was totally worth it.

I must say that it has been a long time since I have had such a well-organized appointment. The pre-operation consultation and explanation were very well organized and helpful. I felt comfortable throughout the entire process. You were right, I should have had the operation done years ago.

Thank you very much and all the very best!


Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

January 19, 2019
Dear Dr. Bern, Dear Team,

It is a little late but I want to finally share some feedback regarding my ear correction procedure last summer. A very special thank you to Dr. Bern who carried out the operation most competently. In addition, my sincerest thanks to the entire team that was involved!

I am happy to report that I am more than satisfied with the procedure itself and the outcome. Everything went very smoothly including the healing process. Following the procedure I experienced almost no discomfort and I only had to take a small dose of medication for a short period of time.

I do not believe that I now look better, but "cooler ". The most important for me: I feel more confident and comfortable since I no longer walk around looking like a Disney cartoon character …

I can recommend Dr. Bern’s clinic with 100% confidence and I have already done that multiple times. Nobody was able to figure out that I had an ear correction procedure but many people commented that I had changed, in a positive way.

The operation technique that you use is super, particularly because the results are fantastic but the end result blends harmoniously with one’s individual features and it is not obvious to outsiders that one has had a procedure.

So, one more time, a huge thank you to all of you again and I wish Dr. Bern and the team success, health and well-being.

Rolf. H.
April 11, 2018
Hello Dr. Bern and team

 Once again, we would like to thank you all very much for the great job you did with the ear surgery. Since the surgery (3.4.18) is now a week passed and Katja has no more pain and her ears are hardly reddened. With the medication you prescribed she was able to tolerate the pain well, your tip with the plastic bags filled with chilled water was also great, that helped her very well in the first four days after the surgery.

In the meantime, she is already doing full sports again and is completely satisfied with the result. Thanks again for everything, it was very pleasant in your practice.

We wish you continued joy and success with the practice and all the best in your private lives.

Kind regards from the mother of Katja

Ursula S.

January 10, 2018
Good morning Dr. Bern,

I want to thank you for the fantastic results of my ear operation…. I am extremely pleased. When I looked in the mirror, following the operation, there were tears in my eyes. You and your team are true artists. This was definitely the right decision …. thank you so much for this. I wish you and your team all the very best.

We wish you continued joy and success with the practice and all the best in your private lives.

Warm wishes,

Melanie S.
December 23, 2017
Dear. Dr. Bern,

I want to thank you and the team and share my amazement with the end result. Simply unbelievable! The afternoon of Friday, September 29th, 2017 is like a second birthday for me. I wish you good health so that you can continue to make so many patients happy!

I wish you and the team a happy holidays and all the best in the new year.

Thomas M.

February 8, 2016
Dear. Dr. Bern,

My husband and I want to thank you one more time. Tomorrow it is exactly one year since you corrected the ears of our daughter. Everything worked out so well! Anna had very little discomfort afterwards and the end results were fantastic – everything looks natural and beautiful. It is truly great that the stitch method exists. Thank you for being such a master at your work.

We wish you continued success and all the best in the future,

Family F.

February 9, 2014
Dear Dr. Bern and Team,

I want to thank you for your excellent work. You have positively changed my life and I am overjoyed with the result!

Before I made a consultation appointment I was filled with worries and anxiety. However, my ears had bothered me for my entire life and I finally decided to come and see you. The only thing I regret is not coming to see you sooner! I am truly a new person, I have far more self-confidence and I am grateful for my new look each and every day. Even during the procedure itself I felt calm and relaxed. The interesting discussions we had about Africa, Columbia and the Ukraine helped to distract me and ease my anxiety and the procedure ended up going very quickly.

Thank you for everything! You are my hero.

Yvonne P.

April 1, 2013
I want to thank Dr. Bern and Team one more time and share just how happy I am.

The ear correction procedure was a complete success. I am completely satisfied with the results as well as my life partner. There were practically no side-effects, I had virtually no discomfort afterwards and the healing process was quick and smooth.
Warm wishes and thanks from Vienna from a happy Gerhard.

Gerhard W.

April 17, 2012
Dear Dr. Bern,

I wanted to thank you and your team once again!

The work you have done is first-class. My ears are absolutely perfect for me. I found it very comforting that you were able to chat with me during the operation; this helped to distract me and ease my anxiety. The stitch-method is truly fascinating, genius actually! I can now begin the spring with more self-confidence!

I wish you and the team much success and all the best,

Petra P.

March 20, 2012
I believe that anyone who is about to have their first operation is both excited but also a little uncomfortable.

My ear correction procedure was carried out by Dr. Bern and the results are first class. I am extremely satisfied. One can see the results. I now have the most beautiful ears in my entire class and for this I am very thankful to Dr. Bern. Dr. Bern operated in a very friendly and calm manner – I could not have predicted this.

Thank you so much for the friendly conversation during the procedure. This made the operation time seem much shorter for me.

Sabrina D.
12 years old.

16. Dezember 2010

Dear. Dr. Bern,

meine Ohranlegeoperation ist Ihnen hervorragend gelungen.

Herzlichen Dank!

Die Wunden sind verheilt. Es sieht super aus! Ich bin glücklich, dass ich die Operation gewagt habe, auch wenn es niemandem auffällt, aber ich habe es ja für mich gemacht. Ich werde Sie mit gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen.

Freundliche Grüße:








Dr. med. Istvan Bern
Plastic surgery specialist
c/o Ambulantes OP-Zentrum
78315 Radolfzell, Walchnerstr. 16

Tel.: +49 (0) 151 22 99 0 77 0

Treatment Process

©2025 Dr. med. univ. Istvan Bern

 Imprint    //    Data Protection

Wir sind umgezogen / We moved

Dr. med. Istvan Bern
Plastic surgery specialist
c/o Ambulantes OP-Zentrum
78315 Radolfzell, Walchnerstr. 16
Tel.: +49 (0) 151 22 99 0 77 0

Unsere Operationen werden ab dem 1.1.2025 in Radolfzell durchgeführt. Die beliebte Touristenstadt mit 33 000 Einwohnern am nordwestlichen Ufer des Untersees befindet sich etwa 20 km von Konstanz entfernt. Die Kooperation mit der besten ausgestatteten ambulanten OP-Einheit der Region sichert uns technisch und personalmäßig optimale Bedingungen. Das ambulante OP Zentrum steht unter der Leitung von Dr. med. Gerold Schmid.

I will be moving my operational activities to Radolfzell from 2025. Radolfzell is also a popular tourist town with 33,000 inhabitants on the northwestern shore of Lake Untersee, about 20 km from Konstanz. I managed to establish a cooperation with the best-equipped outpatient surgery center in Radolfzell, which is under the direction of
Dr. med. Gerold Schmid is standing.